Denmark Vesey was valued for his unusual skills and traveled with his master on trading voyages. He learned five languages and developed carpentry skills. In 1799 he bought his freedom for $600. Denmark saved enough to purchase freedom for his wife and children who were still in slavery. But, his master would not agree to sell his family back to him. Denmark was a leader in the AME Church in Charleston and he plotted a slave rebellion, one of the largest in history. George Wilson also a leader in the AME Church in Charleston, was told about the slave rebellion by fellow slave Rolla Bennett. After five sleepless nights George told his master about the plan. As a consequence Denmark Vesey was arrested and hung in a swamp, far away from Charleston. From July 2nd until August 9th 131 men were arrested and 35 were hanged from the trees.
George Wilson was granted his freedom for his part but he eventually committed suicide.