On November 23, 1883, a Saturday night just few days after Thanksgiving, Lewis Houston was taken from the Birmingham Jail on 4th Avenue North to Capitol Park, now Linn Park. He was accused of “attempting to outrage a widow lady.” The mob grew to 150 as they neared the park. A reporter who tried to attend was turned away at gun point by a man with a mask on 6th Avenue North. He was turned away several more times but finally made his way through to the park where Lewis was held under a pine tree. He reported that Lewis Houston when asked to confess said “Gentleman, before God, I didn’t do it.” Lewis was then asked if he wanted five minutes to pray and he dropped to his knees and prayed in a low sing song voice. The rope was put around his neck and adjusted and as the word was given to proceed Lewis Houston said “Jesus, take me home.”

This image image is part of the Black Cherry Tree Project, commemorating the 33 lynchings in Jefferson County, Alabama.
